Friday, June 10, 2011

Fabulous Finds Friday - Sally Hansen Real Nail Polish Strips

IMG_9248 We are going to try something a little different today for our Fabulous Finds post...You get to see me on VIDEO!  (and my lovely assistant Elizabeth...the cutest little helper EVER.)

Also - I didn't choose this because I'm prissy and like to have my nails done.  I chose this because It makes me feel pretty when I have my nails done.  It's totally different.  Trust me.

Yes, I'm aware of the faces she's making, and I think it's totally hilarious.  Silly Girl.

Here is the gorgeous picture of my with sparkles.  Awww perrrtttyyy...


Wow...those are some, um...ginormous toes.


And now that you've seen the video - oohed and aaahhhhed at the are the rules for the GIVEAWAY!  We will be giving away One package of these to TWO different winners.  The first winner will be chosen at RANDOM from the below entries.  This winner will be chosen next FRIDAY, June 17th, 2011 and will be announced on the blog and the facebook page.  Here are the ways you can enter:

1) You can comment on this post...if you won some of these, where would you wear them?

2) Like our page at (if you haven't already)

3) Send friends to our page on FB and tell them to LIKE it.  Make sure they tell me that you directed them there, or I won't be able to give you the extra entry credit!  (they can either tag you in the post, or simply say "Jane D sent me!")

It's that easy...

Now, for the second set.  I'm going to need user participation on this one. 

1) LIKE our page on facebook (if you haven't already).

2) Post a picture of your own self manicure disasters, or a picture of your nails that you feel NEED manicured, along with a reason why you feel you are the most deserving or needful of these super duper polish strips.  Get creative if you want, tell a story...whatever you wish. 

3) The picture that receives the most LIKES by June 17th, 2011(votes) will win the second set of Salon Effects.

Ready, set ...


(and just so there is no confusion - "like"ing this post here does not enter you...
you need to go to
and "like" that page.
If you are already a are already entered!  Now, Send your friends!)

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