A navy seal walks into a bar and orders an "Osama Bin Laden." The bartender looks at him quizzically and asks, "what's in that?" The seal replies..."Two shots and a splash of water."
Can I get a rimshot here?
*ba dump bum*
Thank you, thank you folks, I'll be here all day!!! Don't forget to tip your waitresses.
And now some words from our sponsor - OSAMADEADFLASKS.com.
Yea, no words...just pictures.
Maybe a few words...Okay, I see why you'd want to commemorate that day. Being that I don't drink any alcohol - do you suppose it'd be okay to put Koolaid in there?
Holds five shots, so you can say that you got your five shots in on Osama...
Do you think red koolaid would be appropriate?
Thank you Jarred of OsamaDeadFlasks.com for contacting me about your product. I honestly can't wait to get the samples in the mail - and I'm going to have to come up with a very interesting giveaway for them. A simple drawing doesn't do a product like this justice.
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