I am a busy mom of five.
Six if you count the dog.
Seven if you count the husband.
Anyway – I don’t really have time to sit, relax and read a book. Well, I guess I do, but if I did when would I research for this site? Exactly.
If I did sit and read a book (which I do find the time for once in a while) I usually try to curl up in a small corner away from everyone and everything…and escape into my book.
I’m not sure this would fit into my own little private corner though…
On the plus side, you can read while lying on your back and don’t have to worry about your arms getting tired and hitting yourself in the nose with the book (not that I have ever done that.) And it’s lighted – although it seems to me that it’d be kind of reminiscent of being in the dentist chair with the light in your eyes while he says “this will only pinch…” (Lie of the century – but whatever). And the dreaded “book elbow” – you know what I mean – where your elbows start to ache from holding them in the same position for several hours…
Thank you anyway Sky Mall for trying. I do know this is a huge problem among American women who are on their millionth reading of the Twilight saga (which I still haven’t read), or the millionth reading of The Hunger Games (which I did read, and hated…I know I’m such a non-conformist).
Sky Mall – solving book elbow one awkwardly placed gadget at a time.
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