Store Clerk: Welcome to The SWBT Valentine shop, how can I help you?
Customer: Hello – I’m looking for something special for my husband for Valentine’s Day…We don’t normally buy each other gifts, but he’s been working so hard this year, I just want him to know how much I appreciate him.
Clerk: Sure! I think I have just the thing…
Customer: Um…not sure where you are going with this, but no – I’m pretty sure that giant gummy worms is not exactly what I’m looking for. Do you have something else?
Clerk: Sure, Sure, okay – well how long have ya’ll been married?
Customer: Ten years.
Clerk: Okie dokie! This is sure to be perfect for you love birds…
Customer: Um, I’m not really sure what you are trying to say, but tongue fur isn’t really an issue in our marriage. Nor is morning breath. I think I’d like something a little more romantic.
Clerk: Romance huh?
Customer: You are single aren’t you.
Clerk: How’d you guess?
Customer: Just a stab in the dark.
Clerk: well, I’m just not sure I have the item you are looking for. unlesss…You wouldn’t happen to like play dough would you?
Customer: as much as the next gal I suppose…
Clerk: How about this for your husband?
Customer: Um. No. No thank you – I’ll just go get him a card, or a tie, or – well anything else.