So HRH (for those of you on the non-British side of the pond, that stands for His Royal Highness) Prince William has been dating the same girl for a while.
In anticipation of impending nuptials, some time in the past three years, retail giant Woolworths started to create fun little bobbles and trinkets bearing their images and stating ‘In Celebration of the Royal Marriage of…’ Leaving room for the date etc etc.
One problem. Wills isn’t engaged. Rumors are abounding that he might pop the question sometime in the near future (but that’s been the rumor for, oh – three years now – hence the ‘date’ on the bobbles being 200?, I suppose they didn’t think it’d make it to 2010?)
Poor Woolies…whatever are they to do with all these trinkets now?
Skeet shooting practice anyone?
Yes, I know this isn’t an actual product you can buy RIGHT now – however, some merchandising genius out there is preparing to make a ton of money off of these things. I mean, hey – you need a Prince William china service for 8 to go with that Princess Di and Prince Charles cookie plate and tea set, right? The thing that surprises me, somewhat sadly, is that this merchandising genius is right…these things are gonna sell like hot cakes – which doesn’t leave me any less confused.
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