Friday, June 17, 2011

Fabulous Finds Friday - Shark Portable Steam Pocket

Have you ever cleaned your bathroom with a black light that is rated to see germs and bodily fluids?  If not, I actually do not recommend it.  You will find that what you think is a clean bathroom actually - - -well, is not.  It's icky.  Okay, well at least mine was.  Of course we are talking about the bathroom that my five children share - one of which is a 6 year old boy, but I digress.

I took these pictures for your shock and enjoyment.  (and much to my mother's utter disbelief and embarrassment - sorry mom.)

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Yea, gross, right?

The thing is, this is AFTER I used a certain name brand spray cleaner to clean it up.

That's right, I said AFTER.  Apparently all it did was streak the icky mess downward.

So, I decided to heat things up a bit, and pulled out my Shark Steam Pocket.  I bought this thing not too long after my first steam cleaner machine pooped out on me.  Probably because I rarely used it, and it sat dormant for a while - I know - bad me.  Anyway - I filled it up and with some bursts of steam and a clean wash cloth (dry to wipe down with afterward...) this is the result...

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Pretty stinkin' amazing right?  And all of this with just WATER.  My bathroom smells fresh and clean, my  toilet passes the black light test, and I did it all without harsh chemicals or fumes.  Anyway, I love my Shark Portable Steam Pocket.  It also does this to my kitchen, my carpet, and my walls and baseboards.  Clean and fresh like a daisy...the whole house.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Four words. Happy Hot Dog Man

Okay so I totally stole the title of this post from my friend Kim.  Yep, outright theft.  But it's okay, because you see - she still loves me.

What is the "Happy Hot Dog Man?" - I thought it was a part of the set of weenie roasters I posted here.  Turns out I'm wrong.

Turns out I'm not even  in the same ballpark.image Still not sure what it is?  Here are the tag lines from the commercial...

"The Happy Hot Dog Man makes a Happy Imprint on your Hot Dog."

um, what?

"Just boil him in water to start the fun!"

Because I always consider boiling water the precursor to anything fun.

"Safe for kids"

Boiling water and sharp plastic knives. Um kay.

"Take your family's food from boring to scoring!"

I dare the next Master Chef participant to use this one on Ramsey.  Double Dog Dare.

"Make your meal a weiner."

Totally my personal favorite.

Yay!  Happy Hot Dog Man!

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Commercials that Shouldn't - HP Printer Baby

I don't even know if I found this one cute at first - of course the hundreds of hours of play time it got in it's first week could be the reason for that.  But that's not why I posted it here today...Did you know this video caused an outpouring of support for child actors and child labor laws?  Seems there were a whole bunch of people upset that the baby was being dragged through the desert in a walker against their will.

(before they grow up to be weird people that don't understand green screen technology and would believe that a production company would actually drag a baby though miles and miles of road and dirt just for a commercial...)

Don't believe me?  Read the comments on the youtube site where this was posted.  An exec from HP actually had to post this statement:

Some facts are needed. I was involved with the production. The commercial was done on green screen. There are very strict rules for child actors to protect their safety, comfort and protect their financial interest. All in compliance.Rules are very strict about how long the child can actually be on camera which is why triplets were used and not one child. This is to ensure the kids were given breaks and their well being came first. Enough with the? abuse. Children were safe. Period.


No actual children were harmed in the writing of this post.  While I do not use green screen technology in my work, I do always keep the health and welfare of the children first. My children are always safe and protected and free from harm. Why? Because I use one of these...

Thank you.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pork Barrel BBQ

I got an email from my husband this morning.  The subject line was: FW:Father's Day.  The preview said 'For those of you looking for that perfect father?s day gift idea.' 

I thought, sure - I never know what to get him.  Perhaps he's sending me a hint as to what to get this year...

Maybe not.


Discover Que, the intriguing new fragrance from Pork Barrel BBQ. An intoxicating bouquet of spices, smoke, meat, and sweet summer sweat.

Que. A tantalizing fragrance that attracts the opposite sex, giving them whiplash as you saunter by.

mmmm....intoxicating Summer Sweat.

I don't know that I've ever heard it quite put that way.

Pair it with the Lobster Cologne and I guess we can have Surf and Turf?

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Pajama Jeans

I like to wear comfy clothes as much as the next girl.

I even have tried to get away with wearing my pajamas in public...but only when going to Wal-Mart...that seems to be the uniform there (if you know what I mean).

Typically I wouldn't mock a product that allows me to look like I'm dressed appropriately, but am in secret wearing pajamas...

However - I've been paying close attention to their advertising...

"The mock pocket and contrast stitching makes them look like real designer jeans"
*Of course it does, the kind my mom used to buy me at the outlet store for three dollars a pair...because they were slightly irregular and one leg was longer than the other...*

image image

"Pajama jeans fit virtually every figure - from petite to Plus size!!"
*ummmm, kay, I've not seen anything made out of spandex blend that fit EVERY figure.  Just sayin'*

"The fashion sensation that fits EVERY Figure PERFECTLY"
*again, not so sure about that. These people have seen the website right?*

"Fits like a sexy second skin"
*uh, yea, I don't think skin tight denim on me is sexy. Nor is skin tight denim/spandex/cotton blend with contrasting stitching and rivets. Also, I'm pretty sure we already covered this.*

"It's a struggle to fit into ordinary jeans, they are uncomfortable and leave marks on your skin!"
*I honestly have nothing to say to this.  Speechless I tell you, purely speechless.*

"purchase for 39.95 and we'll send you this grey crew neck t-shirt, absolutely free"
*wait, what? A free shirt?  Nobody told me there was free stuff involved...well OKAY! Look honey, I got a free shirt and it only cost me 40 dollars plus shipping!  Awesome.*


I suppose these are a step up from wearing actual pajamas in public.  However, I'm kind of partial to my Chilly Willy Thermals, and I think I'd still rather wear those to wal-mart than these.  At least the world knows I'm not fooling anyone.  Besides, the thermals make it a little easier to get away with wearing my slippers in public as actual shoes - oh, and also I can refuse to do my hair too.  It's win win.

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Friday, June 10, 2011

Fabulous Finds Friday - Sally Hansen Real Nail Polish Strips

IMG_9248 We are going to try something a little different today for our Fabulous Finds post...You get to see me on VIDEO!  (and my lovely assistant Elizabeth...the cutest little helper EVER.)

Also - I didn't choose this because I'm prissy and like to have my nails done.  I chose this because It makes me feel pretty when I have my nails done.  It's totally different.  Trust me.

Yes, I'm aware of the faces she's making, and I think it's totally hilarious.  Silly Girl.

Here is the gorgeous picture of my with sparkles.  Awww perrrtttyyy...


Wow...those are some, um...ginormous toes.


And now that you've seen the video - oohed and aaahhhhed at the are the rules for the GIVEAWAY!  We will be giving away One package of these to TWO different winners.  The first winner will be chosen at RANDOM from the below entries.  This winner will be chosen next FRIDAY, June 17th, 2011 and will be announced on the blog and the facebook page.  Here are the ways you can enter:

1) You can comment on this post...if you won some of these, where would you wear them?

2) Like our page at (if you haven't already)

3) Send friends to our page on FB and tell them to LIKE it.  Make sure they tell me that you directed them there, or I won't be able to give you the extra entry credit!  (they can either tag you in the post, or simply say "Jane D sent me!")

It's that easy...

Now, for the second set.  I'm going to need user participation on this one. 

1) LIKE our page on facebook (if you haven't already).

2) Post a picture of your own self manicure disasters, or a picture of your nails that you feel NEED manicured, along with a reason why you feel you are the most deserving or needful of these super duper polish strips.  Get creative if you want, tell a story...whatever you wish. 

3) The picture that receives the most LIKES by June 17th, 2011(votes) will win the second set of Salon Effects.

Ready, set ...


(and just so there is no confusion - "like"ing this post here does not enter you...
you need to go to
and "like" that page.
If you are already a are already entered!  Now, Send your friends!)

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