Found at my local Target store. While Shopping. With my kids. Who wanted these. Real. Bad.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Royal Wedding - Hats.
So - no Fabulous find Friday post today - why? Because I'm super sick, and I-m on this medicine induced weird brain fest thing --- that coupled with the fever I've been running - I swear I'm hallucinating.
You know when you are sick and can't sleep you stay up all night watching TV? Well - I was just lucky enough to be ill on a night when The Royal Wedding of Prince William of Wales and Catherine Middleton (a commoner *gasp*) was being televised to the world. At two AM. Perfect.
So, here I sat, watching television, in a NyQuil state of euphoria (perhaps that's the fabulous find, no?) and I started seeing things pop across the screen. The first few weren't bad-
Understated, and actually kind of pretty - the Queen herself looks great in Yellow.
The Queen and Princess of Spain also used a great deal of restraint in their hat designs.
But then - I saw these...
She's a news-anchor's wife, so perhaps she didn't have anyone on the Royal Staff teaching her about grace and understated looks- (Like Catherine's dress-that was simply beautiful-like Princess Grace of Monaco.)
There were also several "Satellite Dish" designs-and in this image I don't know what's better, the hat or the facial expression?
(you see - she IS royalty - so there goes my theory that nobody counseled her on her clothing choice.)
A "vision" in blue ? seriously, I thought I was seeing things.
Possibly preparing herself for impeding alien attack? (If I just stand still, they'll think I'm a mushroom?)
Hat or bow, hat or bow ---- oh heck - we'll do both!
But this last one - totally took the cake.
What. The. Heck. Is. That? Is she a guest or is she gift wrapped?
Oh dear Princess...
Back to bed with me. I'm pretty sure I really am hallucinating. In order to have faith in fashion and humanity I must believe that.
Thank you to Krystal for suggesting I post about these. Not only did she give me a great idea, but she also made me feel a little more confident I wasn’t hallucinating, because she saw them too.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Commercials - The best of the worst.
By request of my sister - the amazing Janene - we are starting a new feature-The best of the worst commercials.
Weekly we'll post a commercial that makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you reach for the remote control?every, single, time. We?ll post commercials that we've all seen - the ones that are like an accident on the freeway - you can't look away - even though you know you should. We'll post commercials that get a jingle in your head that you spend the rest of your day - sometimes your LIFE trying to get rid of.
So - starting this week - Commercials that Shouldn't...and we are kicking it all off with this wonderful little piece from Snuggie...
Now you can go on with your day.
by the way - should you find a commercial worthy of this honor - send it to me either via facebook ( or email -
Happy Surfing!
The Slob Stopper
What comes to mind when you hear that?
A giant security guard/bouncer dude at the door of a fancy restaurant making sure you are wearing the appropriate attire?
An automatic comb/brush/hair styling combo guaranteed to keep you polished to perfection?
A house cleaning robot that takes husbands and children and locks them in a closet until they learn to pick up their stuff and put it away? (ahhhh-let's just enjoy that picture for a moment...)
If your imagination led you to any one of the three above scenarios - then - well, you need a new imagination. I'll show you a picture to give you a hint?
Does this help?
No huh?
Still no idea what the "SlobStopper" could possibly be?
I probably shouldn't keep you in suspense much longer?
This ginormous 20" x 40" vinyl tarp is a bib.
For adults.
Or children with a pituitary disorder. Whatever.
You see - you wear it in your car so that if you happen to get your favorite fast food for your long commute - it doesn't end up all over your shirt during the drive.
And according to this video it's handy - and Sexy. Because nothing says sexy like a grown adult wearing a bib who can't seem to keep their beverages in their cup?
Although, as a Mom, I'm totally buying one to wear when I take my kids and their friends out in public. I think I might also "forget" I have it on and wear it into the store/mall/sporting event. That. Would. Be. Awesome.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
"The world's first foldable, removable, and adjustable beard."
My question is - who the heck would wear one of these-in public, and on purpose?
Obviously it would have to be someone crazy, and not in their right mind?
Yea. Like that.
(see, this is totally funny, because I'm a Bears fan, and he's a total Cheese head.)
Thanks to Kim G. for sending this over-although I'm really surprised she had time to find this on the internet considering she's supposed to be a law student right now?
found on facebook - but I'm pretty sure they are also a legitimate company.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Sushi Poppers
Mmmmm…Fresh Sushi…in a frozen cardboard tube and eaten much like a push pop ice cream treat…
Fresh and delivered daily.
As fresh as frozen sushi can be anyway.
(I’m classifying this as an edible gift – but you must know, I have my reservations about that.)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Last iProduct…this week. Promise.
I’m sorry – I’m still a little dumbfounded at how the iPhone and iPod and iPad – and pretty much anything apple branded or related sells in droves. DROVES I tell you. People just flock to them like – kids in a vegetable store – or something like that.
Since I don’t have an iPhone or iPad – or anything with a little “I” in front of it this next product didn’t make any sense to me at all. I wasn’t even going to post it here (I tend not to mock what I don’t understand…it’s a karma thing…) until a friend of mine explained to me that the locking mechanism on the iProducts is exactly like that…For the technologically challenged and for those who simply don’t care about iProducts – it’s a touch screen. There’s a little bar on it that says “slide to unlock” and you use your finger to “slide” the button to open the phone and access it’s many amazing features – or you know – so you can play games. Once all that was explained to me, this product then made sense – and of course DEFINITELY had to be posted here.
A 17” magnet for the side of your car – which I’d totally buy if I wasn’t afraid that people would actually try it…although, it’d be totally fun to watch.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Burger Tunes
Because everything in America has to be associated with two all beef patties,special sauce,lettuce, cheese, pickles and onion on a sesame seed bun...including our music storage.
Found at Fry's Electronics...of course.
Gelli Baff
Did you ever have the dream of swimming in a pool full of partially set jell-o? Or did you ever try and dump hundreds of boxes of jell-o in your family swimming pool –only to get in really deep trouble from your parents/roommate/spouse when it clogs the pool pump? No? oh. Oops. I never did that either. Promise. I still have no idea how the pool turned into lime green sludge in the summer of 97. Honest. (and my parents don’t read this blog – so Yay me.)
Anyway – Our friends across the ginormous lime-gelatin free pond known as the Atlantic Ocean think that everyone’s dream of a pool full of Jell-o should come true. So they invented Gelli-Baff.
The powder turns regular bath water into – as one reviewer put it – “a big bath full of gelatinous poo” for your children to play in.
Remember Nickelodeon’s Slime awards? Slimer from the Ghost Busters? The jell-o pudding from Better Off Dead?
Yea, that is what this is – only they actually want you to put your kids in it – on purpose and without the promise of royalty payments (you know, from being a movie star).
So my only question – is it bad that I’m now calculating just how much water and Gelli Baff it’s going to take to fill my Garden tub in my bathroom?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Automatic Toilet Flusher.
I saw this amazing ad for a great product….as a mother of five (toilet flushing challenged individuals…) I was thinking HEY – This looks AWESOME! Seriously – who wouldn’t want something that did the following:
- Automatic Toilet Flusher just like those in Public Restrooms
- Includes 4 Built-In Flushing Functions
- Flushing Function 1: Sensor Flush with Adjustable Distance Sensor flushes when you Walk away from the Toilet
- Flushing Function 2: Sensor Flush Plus Delay - Flushes Toilet with Sensor plus Additional 7 Second Delay
- Flushing Function 3: Touch-Free Hand-Wave Flush - Flushes your Toilet with the Wave of your Hand in Front of Sensor
- Flushing Function 4: Automatic 24 Hour Flush - Flushes Once a Day while you Travel
- Installs in Less then 10 Minutes
- Fits Virtually All Toilets in the U.S. & Canada
- Batteries Included that last for up to 100,000 Flushes!
Amiright? Honestly – every mother’s dream come true, right?
Except when you realize the product is marketed for use by Cats.
That’s right – cats.
There’s not a rule that says I can’t buy it anyway and install it for my kittens right? I’ll even make them use a fuzzy headband with pointed ears and tail if needed.
Notice I didn’t even MENTION the fact that there are people out there toilet training their cats. There were no “Meet the Parents” references. I think I should also get credit for NOT posting this video from their website. I also haven’t mentioned anything about the toilet training kit for Cats. Not a word. I’ve really grown in maturity don’t you think?
Yet another iProduct…
iReally think the reason iAlways make fun of iPhone products is because iJealous.
iDon’t have an iPhone – or an iTouch. If iWant to play a game of pinball, for instance iWill go and play a game of Pinball – (let’s guess how often that happens now…anyone? Anyone? iGuess you’ll never know.)
There’s something about a pinball machine that is fun, and nostalgic – and iSimply don’t believe you can replicate that on an iPhone.
Then again…iHave been wrong before.