Because Round was soooo last season.
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(read to the end for a chance to win this week’s find!!!) Ok, so earlier this week I posted quite possibly the ugliest shoes on the planet...
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Because Round was soooo last season.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
And we have a winner!!!
Thank you again to for generating a winner for us for the REAL Bandals -
Drum Roll Please….
Commenter #6 -
Krista Freier Tjossem – Come on down!
Send me an email so we can get you your BANDALS!
Everyone else, thank you so much for your comments. I love reading what you have to say! And don’t forget – we are still giving away the CandleBreeze – become a fan or a follower to enter!
And I Thought Toe Socks Were Weird…
So what shoes would one wear their toe socks with?
I mean, if you are going to go to all the trouble of separating each toe into it’s own little knitted cozy…you should have shoes to match, right?
Enter Five Fingers…the barefoot alternative…
Ok, so maybe I’m just old fashioned…or perhaps I still have a complex about the size and shape of my toes…but um…really?
Supposedly these are the best shoe on the market for running and exercise and Yoga.
Hmm… maybe that’s why I don’t get it.
I don’t do any of those things.
By the way, if you are wondering what happened to the Easter theme…no worries – I say this still fits. Afterall, perhaps Mr. Cottontail is looking for a shoe alternative for his long night hippetty hopping…I’m just sayin’.
Monday, March 29, 2010
It’s the Easter Rabbit
Peter Cottontail has some major competition this year.
That’s right. Now it’s possible to embarrass your car by making it dress up like a pink bunny rabbit just like Ralphie in A Christmas Story.
Listen, I know a lot of you claim your car is your baby…no need to make it want to run away from home early.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail…
Easter is coming. Are you planning your breakfast with the family? Me too. We’re gonna have bacon and eggs.
um….not quite like that.
I’ve heard that chocolate dipped bacon is actually pretty good. It’s got a salty sweet quality that is supposedly fabulous…
These eggs are filled with “soft buttery bacon caramel.”
I love caramel.
I love chocolate.
I even love bacon.
I’m just not so sure about all three of them at once.
However – we have previously determined that everything is better with bacon, right?
So what is the problem then?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Coture Lolli-pops
Whoever said a lollipop wasn’t a fashion accessory?
What? no one? Nobody has ever considered a lollipop as essential in their wardrobe as say their purse or favorite pair of earrings?
Huh. Well then I guess you wouldn’t want to pay $22.00 for this then:
In case you were wondering, the handle IS reusable – you can buy extra lollipop heads in a package of 3 for $12 dollars.
My question – are these made by DumDums?
I guess not.
Could’ve fooled me.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Fabulous Finds Friday – The REAL Bandals
(read to the end for a chance to win this week’s find!!!)
Ok, so earlier this week I posted quite possibly the ugliest shoes on the planet. They were called (by several fashionistas) “bandals” and they were a cross between a boot and a sandal.
Imagine my surprise when I get an email from telling me to check out their product – which was “comfy and cute and nowhere near what you’ve seen.” So I checked them out.
Imagine your favorite pair of flip flops. Now – imagine how comfy they are. Now – Imagine how sad you are that you can’t wear them with everything because they just won’t coordinate with your favorite outfits.
Now, take those same sandals, flip flops or summer shoes – and add to them interchangeable straps and ties - (available in tons of great color combos and styles) and you’ve got your favorite sandals – Bandals – the sandals with style…that changes with you.
Bandals come in a comfy base with one band, and additional (very fashionable) bands are sold separately. These are so cool. I want one in every style, and color – except maybe snakeskin – I’m not a snakeskin type of girl.
Now for the really cool part – Bandals said they’d give a pair of their beach bandals and one interchangeable band away to one of my readers. SO – leave a comment on this post and tell my why you want them. We’ll choose a winner randomly on Monday 3/29/2010.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
You won’t know it isn’t bacon…
Today’s product almost makes me want to stop paying my bills electronically, just so I can use these nifty envelopes.
Everything is better with bacon. And butter…but mostly bacon.
Thank you Kim S. for finding this one – it’s almost a fabulous find Friday masterpiece…almost. Now, if they were actually bacon…
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
They aren't quite boots...they aren't quite sandals...they're....
These take Ugly to a whole new level.
Not Quite a boot…not quite a sandal – and not quite like ANYTHING I would wear.
They are calling them "bandals" (get it, Boots/Sandals…) and range in price from 70.00 to 220.00.
Yes, the decimal point is in the correct place. That’s TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY dollars…If you must have them, you can buy them at
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Baby Bangs
I have four adoreable little girls.
And when they were babies – most of them looked like…boys. C’mon, you all know that it is hard to tell the difference between a baby boy and a baby girl – most of the time anyway (and we are talking about babies with Diapers ON thank you, I do know the difference otherwise.)
Anyway, worry no more about being offended (or dumbfounded – whatever…) when someone asks you how old your beautiful baby boy is even though SHE is dressed from head to toe in PINK with PINK blanket and a PINK ribbon securely glued to her forehead. (Yes, this did happen to me. True story, I swear.)
Introducing “baby bangs” the hairpiece for babies. The wig that says “I am NOT a boy.”
Monday, March 22, 2010
Everyone Loves A Light Show
Who doesn’t want to shower in the fountain at the Bellagio?
Moments of pure magical luxury.
And Las Vegas’ finest officers won’t even drag you out. Because if they did, that’d be weird.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Pee Time
Have you had to recently stick to just nine holes instead of a round of 18?
Do you find yourself fidgeting on a par 4 wishing you’d made that last stop at the clubhouse?
Have you found yourself eyeing a water hazard and thinking – nobody would care…
Don’t ever let your bladder get in the way of your golf game again.
It’s the UroClub. The golf club you can pee in. “The greatest Golf Gift, EVER.”
I think this definitely falls under that category of - Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. However – if you must, they provide a privacy cloth – for discretion of course.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
A Public Service Announcement
But something has come to my attention that I simply cannot ignore.
In these days of the swine flu, and other germy and gross outbreaks we simply cannot afford to play with our health.
Therefore, I am putting out this warning – steps ahead of the surgeon general.
I am only fearing for your safety – my dear readers.
Do not ever purchase and or use one of these.
Please, only you can prevent yourself from becoming a snotsucker.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Fabulous Finds Friday – Orb
So we have a child who wants some more responsibility.
She wants to babysit.
Ok, sure…Only if we can have some eyes in the sky…if you know what I mean.
If you have a cell phone with a data plan and ability to play videos, and a computer with a webcam with access to the internet at home…Welcome to Nanny Cam 2.0.
OK, not Nanny Cam, but ORB.
Orb isn’t exactly meant for spying on your children (although it’s a great side benefit, no?) It is an amazing piece of software.
You install it on your PC, make sure it’s running, and then login via your cell phone internet browser and access any of your media files on your computer, access television stations (if you have a PC tuner card) and of course access your webcam.
The best part?
Yep, the basic profile is free.
And no. I don’t have an iPhone either.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
In a pickle.
While there is nothing inherently wrong with a single serve pickle (of the non-yodeling variety) for some reason this product simply caught me off guard.
Perhaps it’s because of the pickle floating in a soft plastic bag in a strange yellowish fluid.
Perhaps it’s because of the cartoon pickles dancing and apparently singing on the packaging.
Perhaps it’s because of the names given to the pickles themselves – in this case “Sassy” for the Hot Mama Variety and “Portly” for the Big Papa Variety.
Yep. That’s it.
It’s the names.
You should never, ever name your pickle.
That is all.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
She’s Got Leeeeggs!
And a random floating aaarrmmm…
All of the men are confused as to why this table isn’t posted on Fabulous Finds Friday.
All of the women are simply – confused.
This just went from slightly disturbing to completely disturbing, didn’t it?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Hip to be Square…
Or not.
Yes ladies and Geeks –er, Gents… That’s a Square root watch.
I’d like to say that my circle friends is way too cool for something like this, and that they are all very secure in their coolness…but sadly – no.
Thank you Paul for wearing this watch so I could post it today.
Wait – technically Paul is my HUSBAND’s friend, not mine – so my friends are still incredibly secure in their coolness. Whew! That was close.
Again – thank you to the Honeywell Engineers – I do not know where this site would be without you. Really, No idea where I’d be.
Monday, March 15, 2010
They are UNDERPANTS for your HANDS…
‘nuff said.
Something tells me you all have your own commentary...prove it below!
Best comment gets a wedgie.
Fitting, right?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Because Who Doesn’t Want To Be Luke…
That’s right, you too can sleep like a Jedi.
Sleep tight on planet Hoth – protected by a Tauntaun.
Light sabre sold separately.
Thank you Anara for finding this (and providing the headline!) – and you are right, this website can afford a full year’s worth of posts – I love a good Go-to resource!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Do NOT Go In There… (in my best Jim Carrey voice…)
Never have to be embarrassed again with unsightly bathroom odors. Not with one of these special “seats” in the house.
The automatic deodorizing toilet seat. Every home needs one. Really.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Fabulous Finds Friday – Cricut Cake
I am a crafty person. I like to create things out of paper or yarn or mashed potatoes…but mostly, I like to decorate cakes.
Yes, cakes – bigs ones, little ones, tiered ones, shaped ones…anything cake. I love it.
Which is why today’s fabulous find makes me all giddy just thinking about it.
Looks like a regular Cricut machine no? Well, it’s NOT! This thing is awesome to the most awesome degree…and I own a regular Cricut - well it’s an Expression which is one step above the regular Cricut - so I KNOW what this thing is capable of! (For those that DON’T know what a regular Cricut Machine is capable are either a:not scrapbookers or b:living under a very secluded rock.)
It. Cuts. Gumpaste. AND. FONDANT!
Seriously, this thing rocks. I can’t wait to have one to use forever in my kitchen.
Look out Duff – I’m coming to be the next ACE – and this thing is totally gonna help me do it.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Another Winner!
Thank you once again to for helping choose the winner!
And the winner is…
#40 - Dan D of Mesa Arizona!
Thank you so much for supporting us Dan, and I do hope that the Valuables.doc brings you and your family some peace of mind!
Batteries Not Included
Don’t you just hate it when you are out and about and all of a sudden your cell phone battery dies?
As long as you don’t live in Seattle, or some other similarly rainy and cloudy climate…this might help.
Of course – that is as long as you don’t mind walking around in public in your underwear.
It’s a solar bra. Simply expose yourself – er uh, the solar panel – to the sunlight, plug your phone into the provided USB port and wait. Presto – you have an electrical charge and quite possibly an indecent exposure charge as well.
The things we girls do for fashion and convenience.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
30 Seconds MacGroober…
Oops! It appears I forgot to post a blog today. Normally I’d claim I was abducted by aliens and taken to their planet to be their queen…but today, I’m going with Alarm Clock Failure.
Too bad I don’t have one of these:
It’s the Ticking Time Bomb alarm clock. You see – when it goes off in the morning it says “three minutes remaining” – then you have to do your best MacGuyver (or MacGroober – for you SNL fans) impression and defuse the bomb by matching the correct wires to the flashing bulb (randomly selected) before a loud blast emits from the device.
Nothing says good morning like a good explosion…don’t you think?
Yea, I’m more partial to a good bowl of cheerios and a glass of fresh orange juice myself. But, you know, whatever floats your boat.
***A note to all Honeywell Engineers – you know who you are***
While I know this little gadget is an Engineer’s dream come true I do NOT suggest purchasing one and hooking it up to somebody’s –um desk lamp for example. I further do not suggest requiring them to defuse the “bomb” in order to turn on their computer or answer their phone. While I totally stand in awe of your prank pulling genius, and your ability to keep them going for months on end, I fear employing this particular gadget in one of your pranks may be going a little to far. Please, however – I beg you…if you do somehow find a way to use this particular gadget to drive one of your fellow (possibly blonde haired) engineers to the brink of near insanity… take video. A lot of it. Thank you.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Inside Outside Upside Down…
My kids have this book. It’s called Inside Outside Upside Down – and it’s a Bernstein Bears book.
I’m sure this product creator, Kent Rogowski (technically, he’s an artist) read the book too.
Wait -
*Pages shuffling…pages flipping*
hmmm…nope – This book has nothing to do with mutilated inside out teddy bears.
Well, now I’m confused.
Monday, March 8, 2010
My Beautiful Mommy
But sadly, many forget that there is one group of people deeply affected by this phenomenon. Behind all the glamour and the glitz who is there for the children?
That's right, what about the CHILDREN?
One day mommy goes in for new, um - girlfriends - and the next she comes back looking more like your cousin Jennifer.
Very traumatic.
Worry no more - you can buy your precious little ones "My Beautiful Mommy" before you go in for your beautification and prepare them for what's coming up next.
Donate to your local COPS (Children of Plastic Surgery) today. Someone has got to look out for the children, the poor innocent victims in all of this.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Your Baby’s New Best Furry Friend..
Because your child might grow up to be a veterinarian…
Or a redneck.
Yes. That is a stuffed animal made to look like road kill.
I’ll leave the comments to you. I have no words. I should, but I don’t.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Frost and Toss…
Yet another reason I will never have a dog.
Yes. That’s Poop Freeze Animal Waste Spray. Their actual tag line is “Frost and Toss”…
Here’s the description from Amazon – because honestly, I couldn’t write any better than this:
Poop happens- just freeze it! Just frost and toss! Completely non-flammable. Cools surfaces down to 62° F…Spray and then wait 10 seconds and a white crusty film solidifies the waste.
Wait – am I over thinking this…I know being an Arizonian, 62 degrees is considered cold…but freezing? I’m not sure I’d even say that…I defer to my Northern neighbors – what exactly is the freezing point of poop? 62 huh? Interesting.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Fabulous Finds Friday – Choxie
I’m allergic to chocolate.
(I know, I’ll wait for you to finish weeping for truly is tragic).
However – there are certain, um…measures I can take if I want to eat chocolate to minimize the effects…I can pre-medicate with a bit of Benadryl and some Motrin.
And. There. Aren’t. Many. Chocolates. Out. There. Worth. The. Trouble.
Except for Choxie.
Available only at Target (as far as I know), this chocolate is silky, and creamy, and melt-in-your-mouth-and-in-your-hands perfect. My favorite are the Milk Chocolate Flaky Truffles, with a close second runner up being the Dark Chocolate Flaky Truffles. And then don’t forget their gourmet flavors – key lime pie, strawberry cheesecake, and chili limon…trust me on this one.
So, next time you have a chocolate attack – head to your local Target…but be careful – these things are not for those with weak will power. Because if you do have weak will power, you will be at Target…Every Day For Another Fix.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Win a Valuables.Doc from Buttoned Up!
Last week we featured ButtonedUP! A company dedicated to making our lives a little bit easier, and a lot more organized – or is it a little bit more organized and a lot Easer??? Hmmm… either way – they are awesome. (read the original Fabulous Finds Friday Post HERE)
Well – Today I talked with ButtonedUP! and they want to give one of you – my dear (favorite) readers…VALUABLES.DOC – for your own organizational and life simplification needs. (a $25.00 value!)
What is Valuables.doc? It’s an amazing organization tool that helps you to catalog all your valuable and important items in your home. This is great to have for insurance purposes, and of course – general peace of mind. Ours proved completely invaluable during wildfire season – and is currently kept in a fire-proof box in our home.
So – how do you win? There are a few ways to enter:
Required Entry:
Become a follower. If you are already a follower- you are already entered! (isn’t that cool?)
Additional entries:
1) Leave a comment on THIS post about how you would use Valuables.Doc to organize your life. Be sure to leave your email address so we can contact you!
2) Tweet about our site using the hashtag #someonewillbuy – remember it’s important to use the full tag so we can find it! Be creative, link to this post or just your favorite post – but keep it under 140 Characters! (including the hash tag!) Also, remember if you TWEET to follow us at @someonewillbuy – so we can notify you if you win!
That’s it! We’ll announce the winner in ONE WEEK – on Thursday March 11, 2010.
Also – This is very cool! ButtonedUP! has teamed up with White Cloud to get you some awesome toilet paper discounts! Hey, we all need TP – right? Here’s what you do:
1) Go to ButtonedUP!’s website and fill out the form. You will receive a White Cloud $1 off coupon – expires 14 days after printing; can print up to 3 of them from one computer.
That’s it! Good luck on that Valuables.Doc – I look forward to reading your comments!
More Power!
There are two reasons I won’t ever have one of these self-stirring mugs in my house.
1) We already have enough battery powered objects in the house. (careful where you go with this one…)
2) I’m married to an engineer. Most likely it’d end up being hooked up to the garbage disposal and enhanced ala “Tim Taylor” and I’d end up with a 2’ hole in the ceiling.
But hey, if you really are lazy enough to insist that you can’t stir your own hot beverage…more power to you…and by more power – I do not mean “More Power!” Unless you live alone…and have a lot of insurance.
Thank you Joseph A. for this one (for the record, yes he owns one and I believe he has plans for ramping up the motor so it can make him some smoothie goodness at work. I strongly advised against it – although secretly I’d love to see him succeed.)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Stupid Pet Tricks
For your dog?
For your kitty?
For your hamster?
Of course not – because those would actually make sense…a little disturbing that you’d have that kind of time…but sense nonetheless.
Nope, this isn’t for a four-legged furry friend. This is for your fish.
That’s right, I said fish.
I’m now not sure if I should be disturbed by the amount of time these folks have, or jealous of the amount of “extra” time they have.
Jealous. Yep, I’ll go with that.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Massagenius - Writing Relaxation....
It’s very un-assuming in it’s packaging. It looks like a pen that you might get as a graduation gift – engraved with your name and graduation year. Possibly a present bestowed on you by your proud parents.
This one comes with a surprise though…it vibrates.
It’s said to “relieve stress, tension, headaches, and improve overall health and well being.”
Of Course it does! What else would it do?
Monday, March 1, 2010
And The Winner Is…
Thank you to for generating the winner of our CandleBreeze contest.
The winner is DARCIE K of Rochester Hills, MI.
Darcie – please contact me so I can arrange to get your CandleBreeze shipped to you!
Now, for everyone else – we will hold another drawing on APRIL 1 for another CANDLEBREEZE! or if you just can’t wait – you can buy one for 40% off using my name TAMARA at
Rules of the next upcoming contest remain the same – and if you already entered, you’re still in the running! So stay tuned!
Also, we are still working on the Amazon gift card giveaway…Entry rules above under the contest link! Remember, the sooner we hit 150 followers, the sooner we’ll be giving away the cards.
Good luck – and Thank you Darcie! I look forward to hearing from you!
CandleBreeze Drawing TODAY!
That’s right everyone…I’ll be holding the drawing for the CandleBreeze today at 5 PM PST. SO….if you haven’t entered, you still have time. Here’s what you do:
See the “followers” box over there --------->?
It looks like this:
Click “Follow”
That’s it!
good luck!
By the way – I’m writing this while running my CandleBreeze. It’s got the Maui Mango Cand-o in it. My house smells like Starburst candies…the green bag. mmmmmmm…. If you aren’t sure what a CandleBreeze is – here’s our original “Fabulous Finds Friday” post about it.
And if you can’t wait to win one – you can buy one, at 40% off using MY name in the coupon box – TAMARA…
Tired of Twirling?
I hear a lot in the media these days about how Americans have gotten lazy.
If there’s any easy way out, we take it.
If there’s a way to lighten our load, we find it.
Even when it comes to feeding ourselves…if there’s a way to get out of twirling our own spaghetti on our fork….
Oh geez. Yes, that’s going too far. I mean – think about the energy wasted in searching for the batteries alone!